NUDDA MAX Training: FMA and Filipino Boxing for the 21st Century - June

NUDDA Filipino Boxing is an explosive and aggressive modern-day combat system that is specifically designed to deal with urban-oriented situations of street fighting and self-defence. By utilising the empty-hand principles of the ancient Filipino Martial Arts, such as limb destruction, body manipulation and zoning, and applying them to a modern urban environment, NUDDA Filipino Boxing offers an effective set of tools for coping with the chaos of street fighting, leaving your opponent unbalanced and confused, and ending a fight quickly.

Antonio Faedda is widely recognised as a rising star in modern Filipino Martial Arts. A gifted instructor, he has trained under some of the biggest names in martial arts and is sought out by practitioners around the world. His NUDDA system of Martial Arts Cross-Training utilises and builds on the most effective tools of other martial arts, such as muay Thai and boxing, in an attempt to transcend their limits in providing effective self-defence and thus turn its practitioners into virtuoso, well-rounded martial artists.

Topics covered:

- What is ‘Filipino’ Boxing?
- Limb destruction
- Body manipulation
- Zoning and footwork
- Guards and defences
- Pad-work and applications
- Empty hands versus weapons
- Flow drills and applications

Participants should bring their own boxing gloves. As the Seminar will take place on matted floors, please wear light-soled shoes on the day or be ready to train barefoot.

The seminar will take place on the 1/2 June from 10.00 to 14.00.

The fee for both days is €70 or €40 for Saturday only. Please register your interest early, as places are limited

For further information contact Antonio on or the Seminar sponsor, Graham Holliday, at


Ticket Type Price Quantity
Full Seminar Sale of these tickets has closed
Provides access for both days
Saturday Only Sale of these tickets has closed
Provides access to Saturday's Seminar only
Tickets: 0.00
Service Charge: 0.00
TOTAL: 0.00
For more information on this event contact the organiser:
You are buying your eTicket from:
NUDDA Berlin
Dickhardstrasse 37 12161 Berlin

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